We can help you recoup money lost through the liquidation of your company

Who are we?

Liquitax® is a specialist tax consultancy. Our specialism is where tax and insolvency meet. We only act in relation to matters which are affected by the insolvency of a company and, primarily, we work to recoup overpaid tax for the benefit of the individuals affected by the insolvency of a company.

What do we do?

We investigate your tax affairs and using our specialist knowledge we identify areas of previous planning which can be re-visited so as to secure statutory Tax refunds. Often individuals linked to a company, in the situation of a company failing, have overpaid tax in the years leading up to the insolvency (with the benefit of hindsight). We can resolve those issues and secure a refund of the tax overpaid or reliefs unclaimed.

We work solely on a conditional fee agreement basis which means no refund: no fee.

Strong performance

We have a track record and a proven system to achieve the largest refund possible.

Only pay us if we succeed

If we don't get you a refund, we charge no fee. That's the Liquitax promise.

Quick Service

Our internal processes are streamlined to get your refund as quickly as possible and to manage HMRC delays to keep them to a minimum.